Style tab

Customize the appearance and design of the widget.

Image Box widget Style Tab (Image)

Adjust the space between the image and the content.


Set the width of the image.

Hover Animation

Choose an animation effect for the image when hovered over.

CSS Filters

Apply visual filters such as Blur, Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation to enhance the image style.


Control the transparency of the image.

Transition Duration (On Normal)

Set the duration for transitions between states.

Image Box widget Style Tab (Content)

Align the content to the left, center, right, or justify it.

Vertical Alignment

Position the content at the top, middle, or bottom of the container.

Image Box widget Style Tab (Title)

Define the space between the title and other elements.


Set the color of the title text.


Adjust the typography settings to refine the title's appearance.

Text Stroke

Add a stroke effect to the title text.

Text Shadow

Enhance the title with shadow and blur effects.

Image Box widget Style Tab (Description)

Set the color of the description text.


Adjust the typography settings to refine the description's appearance.

Text Shadow

Add shadow and blur effects to the description text.

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