Appearance / Modal Options when Show advanced settings is turned on
(Options with flag icons are advanced settings)
There are 18 buit-in opening animations: Fade, Slide from top / bottom / left / right, Rotate from top / bottom / left / right, Scale from top / bottom / left / right, Scale, Spin, Spin horizontally / vertically, Ellastic.
You only need to choose one of them at Opening transition option.
With the Opening duration, you can set the length of the opening animation in milliseconds.
The Opening delay parameter delays the opening animation with the given amount of milliseconds.
There are 18 buit-in closing animations: Fade, Slide to top / bottom / left / right, Rotate to top / bottom / left / right, Scale to top / bottom / left / right, Scale, Spin, Spin horizontally / vertically, Ellastic.
You only need to choose one of them at Closing transition option.
With the Closing duration, you can set the length of the closing animation in milliseconds.
If Start popup immediately is turned off then layer animations will start only after the opening transition has been ended.
If Reset on close is enabled then the popup will open every time just like the first time, otherwise it will be open on the same state where you closed it last time.
With the Show close button option you can turn on / off the popup's default close button. You can also close the popup by clicking on the overlay, so it isn't necessery. Or you can also create your own close button, just add this class to the selected layer: cp-close-popup-button
On the Close button custom CSS field you can style the default look of the close button. For example if you wan to replace it to the top-right corner then enter the following styles: left: auto; right: 0px