In this section you will find settings which are related for the behavior of popup pages.
The More Settings section contains hidden options which can be displayed separately. The main goal is to remove clutter from the user interface, since these options control overly specific features, or they meant to be used by experienced users. You can display these options with the switch on the upper right corner. These parameters will be marked similarly, as this text in the whole documentation.

More Settings / Pageshow
Pageshow behavior
With Start with page you can define which page will be the first one, when the popup loaded. By default its value is 1.
Auto-play pages means that pages will be played automatically after the popup opened. It's based on your Page Timing and Page Transition settings at Live Editor tab.
If the Pause layers option enabled the layer transitions will not start playing until the pageshow is in a paused state.
Pause on hover can stop the popup on the current page, until you leave the popup area with the mouse. With this option's setting you can define what will happen to the layer transitions and loops in case of pause.
Navigation between pages
Keyboard navigation enables you to control the popup with the arrow keys of your keyboard. Left arrow key for the previous page, and the Right arrow key for the next page. Touch navigation is quite similar, but in this case left and right swipe will be equal with arrow keys on touch-enabled devices.
With the Cycles input you can define how many times will the pageshow played. 0 value is for infinitive loops.
Force the number of cycles means that the popup will always stop at the given number of loops, even if someone restarts the pageshow.
Other settings
Popup can play in-and reverse with the two way pageshow option.
The shuffle mode will randomize the pages.