Here you can find mobile-specific settings, such as hiding the popup on specific screen size, or performance related options.
The More Settings section contains hidden options which can be displayed separately. The main goal is to remove clutter from the user interface, since these options control overly specific features, or they meant to be used by experienced users. You can display these options with the switch on the upper right corner. These parameters will be marked similarly, as this text in the whole documentation.

More Settings / Mobile
Use slide effect when swiping let you to change pages by swiping to a horizontal direction on mobile devices.
Optimize for mobile enable optimizations on mobile devices to avoid performance issues (e.g. fewer tiles in page transitions, reducing performance-heavy effects with very similar results, etc).
With Hide under and Hide over options you can add an interval that on which resolutions would you like to show the popup. With these parameters you are able to create popups which are only visible on phones, one for tablets, another one for desktops...and so on.