Here you will customize which navigation tools will be enabled for the slider.

Navigation area settings
Show navigation buttons
The Show Prev & Next buttons will show/hide the prev and next buttons (arrows) for the slider.
Show Start & Stop buttons option refers for the play/pause buttons.
Show slide navigation buttons means the small dots or even the thumbnails at the bottom of the slider.
Navigation buttons on hover
By disabling the Show Prev & Next buttons on hover or Slide navigation on hover then these parts will be disappear, if you hover over the slider.
Slideshow timers
These timers are indicate the slideshow progress for each slide. Show bar timer for a continuously thick line above the slideshow to show when the next slider will appear.
The Show circle timer will enable a animated circle on the top right corner of the slider.
If you enable the slidebar timer, then a playbar will appear under the slider, and you can seek over the whole slide, like watching a movie.