In this section of the slide settings you can find options which are related to the animations between 2 slides.

Slide Duration settings
With Duration, you can set the time interval between slide changes, this slide will stay visible for the time specified here. This value is in millisecs, so the value 1000 means 1 second. Please don't use 0 or very low values.
The Time shift option you can control the timing of the layer animations when the slider changes to this slide with a 3D/2D transition. Zero means that the layers of this slide will animate in when the slide transition ends. You can time-shift the starting time of the layer animations with positive or negative values.
By clicking on the Select transition button You can select your desired slide transitions. There are many predefined transition here (more than 200+) separated into 2 categories, 2D and 3D. You can also select more than one. In this case a randomly selected transition will be used each time. If you hover on the transition name, then a sample will play in modal to show you how that current transition looks like.
You are also able to set Custom duration time for the slide transition instead of the default one (1000ms).