The Password Reset Page allows customers to securely regain access to their accounts by requesting a new password. It typically includes a password recovery form where users enter their registered email to receive reset instructions. In Creative Elements, this page can be customized to match your store’s branding, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly recovery process.

Password page template

When designing a Password page template using Creative Elements, you have a variety of elements at your disposal. You have the flexibility to use the Basic widgets, General widgets, Catalog widgets, Premium widgets, and Site widgets to enrich the design and functionality of your Password page.

Creating a new Password page template in Theme Builder

  1. From your PrestaShop admin, navigate to Creative Elements > Theme Builder.
  2. Click on the Add new button in the top right corner.
  3. Provide a title for easy identification (this will only be visible to you).
  4. Select the Password page template type from the dropdown list.
  5. In the Status option, you can choose to enable or disable the template. Enabling it allows the content to be displayed in the Theme Settings. Disabling it prevents the template from being set on the frontend. However, you can use the Preview feature in the Live Editor to review it and you can also activate it later in the Templates List.
  6. Remember to Save your changes to ensure they are applied.
Creating a new Password page template
Creating a new Password page template
  1. Now you can edit your template by clicking on Edit with Creative Elements.
  2. After completing the editing process, make sure to set the template in the Theme Settings to ensure its display on the frontend of your website.
Setting the Password page template in Theme Settings
Setting the Password page template in Theme Settings
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