After you successfully installed the Creative Popup module to your PrestaShop, you can start to use it. In the following parts of the documentation you can read all about how the module works. Every settings and parameters will be described, and all of the elements of the User Interface will be introduced.
Creating a popup
First of all navigate to Creative Popup / Popups (at the bottom part of your sidemenu). Here you can see the main view of the Creative Popup module. There are three main parts of the popup listing page. Each of them has different functionality, what you will know after read this part.
Popup list
In this section you will find a list of your currently available popups (first it will be empty). There are also two buttons above the list, called Import Popups and Add New Popup. You will find detailed description about those buttons later.

Empty List
Later when you will have more popups, they will be sorted in a table. The structure is so simple, you can find the main information of each popups in the rows. The Status row will display a red circle when the current popup is published, but it's already expired. An orange circle will appear when the display is scheduled to a future date. When the popup is active then the circle color will be green. You can change the Published state here, or even in the popup editor.

Popups List
Adding Google Fonts
Inserting codes and URLs isn't necessary in Creative Popup, you can use the built-in search field in the lower left corner of the box. Enter your search term and hit the [Enter] key or click on the Search button. Click on the font you would like to use and select its variants in the next window. You can click the Add font button without selecting any variants if you would like to use only its regular version. After adding the font, you can choose to load it globally or on the admin interface only. After that you just need to edit your slider, click on a layer to edit, then on the Styles tab. Just write the font’s name into the Family paramater’s input field.

Google font manager
Advanced settings
In this section you can find some settings, which are related to the working behavior of the Creative Popup. Please note that without experience don't change these options as incorrect settings might break your module or site.

Advanced settings
WebshopWorks Dashboard
In this section you can find some useful links about the documentation settings, or even how could you contact us if you have an issue, so if you have any question or problem create a support ticket, and we will help you immediatelly.

WebshopWorks dashboard