Appearance / Overlay Options
The popup Overlay is the layer behind your popup that often darkens the rest of the site focusing attention on your popup and its content.
You can enable or disable it using the Disbale overlay option.
If you turn on the Close by clicking away option then your popup will be closed when the user clicks on the overlay. Otherwise nothing will happen.
With the Overlay color option you are able to set an overlay color for the whole page behind the popup.
When you post a form from popup, a loading animation will appear at the top of the page. With AJAX loader color option you can choose the color of this loading bar.
There are 10 buit-in opening animations for overlay: Fade, Slide from top / bottom / left / right, Fade from top-right / top-left / bottom-right / bottom-left, Scale.
You only need to choose one of them at Opening transition option.
With the Opening duration, you can set the length of the opening animation in milliseconds.
There are 10 buit-in closing animations for overlay: Fade, Slide to top / bottom / left / right, Fade to top-right / top-left / bottom-right / bottom-left, Scale.
You only need to choose one of them at Closing transition option.
With the Closing duration, you can set the length of the closing animation in milliseconds.