In this section you will find appearance and style related settings for the popup.
The More Settings section contains hidden options which can be displayed separately. The main goal is to remove clutter from the user interface, since these options control overly specific features, or they meant to be used by experienced users. You can display these options with the switch on the upper right corner. These parameters will be marked similarly, as this text in the whole documentation.

More Settings / Skin
The Skin parameter has 3 built-in options: Basic, No-skin, Photo gallery
Skins define the design of the control arrows, bullets / thumbnails and close button.
With the Initial fade duration you can add an extra fade animation for the Opening transition of the popup. Set it to 0 to disable this feature.
Using the Popup Classes field you can add any custom classes to the popup's main element.
You can also add Custom popup style for the current popup.