v2.11.1 (10-01-2024)

  • New: PrestaShop 8.2 Support
  • New: Advanced Setting - Load jQuery Sticky Plugin
  • Tweak: Responsive section renamed to Visibility in Column & Section elements
  • Tweak: Enhanced output for Shortcode arrays & objects
  • Tweak: Header & Footer compatibility with JoliSearch results page
  • Tweak: Product Variation compatibility with Pretty URLs module
  • Tweak: Swiper library updated to v11.1.12
  • Fix: Element Cache default value fixed for Product Name, Product Image, Product Rating, Product Share, Add to Cart, Add to Wishlist, Category Grid, Brand Image, Listing Image, Page Title, Shop Title, Shop Logo widgets
  • Fix: Default Header doesn't work with Full Width layout in case of child theme
  • Fix: Can't edit Header/Footer template on product page preview which has variation
  • Fix: Product Rating & Brand Name dynamic tags are not working in Miniature template
  • Fix: Hidden carousel looks ugly on Preview
  • Fix: Ken Burns effect doesn't work in Background Slider
  • Fix: Sticky Position offset issue
  • Fix: Video background with Start / End Time doesn't work
  • Fix: Some imported template images are missing
  • Fix: Add missing Page Settings related styles for Miniature preview
  • Fix: Swiper compatibility fix with some themes
  • Fix: Translations doesn't work for "Edit with Creative Elements"
  • Fix: Minor PHP, SQL, JS & CSS bugfixes

v2.11.0 (08-23-2024)

  • New: Introducing Element Caching experiment - Enhance site speed by caching elements for faster rendering
  • New: Optional preload feature added to Background Images
  • New: Auto preload feature added for Custom Fonts
  • New: Updated Google Fonts list with 155 new fonts
  • New: Swiper Library updated to latest version 11.1.10
  • New: Coverflow & Cube & Flip effects added to background slideshow
  • New: Cards effect added to Carousel widgets
  • New: SmartMenus Library updated to version 1.2.1
  • New: Hide Single Options fetaure added to Product Variations widget
  • Tweak: SQL queries minimized & duplications removed
  • Tweak: Module related memory usage minimized
  • Tweak: Speed optimization for Home page Template
  • Tweak: Miniature template files minified
  • Tweak: Frontend related JavaScript files optimized & minimized
  • Tweak: Waypoints.js library replaced with the native Intersection Observer API
  • Tweak: Images Loading attribute can be configured in Carousel widgets & Background Slideshow
  • Tweak: Lazyload images by default in Carousel widgets & Background Slideshow
  • Tweak: Lazyload added to off screen images in Product Images widget
  • Tweak: Loading animation added to Lightbox's embed mode
  • Tweak: Load module's asset files only on necessary pages
  • Tweak: Loading lazy attribute removed from Logo widget, width & height attributes added
  • Tweak: Disable Miniature's Add to Cart button when all variants are empty
  • Tweak: Alt attribute added to Product Miniature Image
  • Tweak: Keep aspect ratio in Product Image widget srcset attribute
  • Tweak: Text & Box Shadow controls added to Call to Action, Flip Box, Contact Form, Shopping Cart, Filters, Active Filters, Pagination, Category List widgets' button style
  • Tweak: Elements' Advanced > Responsive section renamed to Visibility
  • Tweak: PHP, SQL, JS, CSS code optimizations & improvements
  • Fix: In Category Images widget "Current Category / Default" option shows main categories when subcategories are empty
  • Fix: Empty result fixed in Listing Products widget
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for PrestaShop
  • Fix: Lightbox always opens on dragend in Product Images widget with Carousel skin
  • Fix: Category Image & Listing Image widget is empty in some cases
  • Fix: Extra comma removed from Listing pages Schema
  • Fix: Category & Manufacturer image(s) dynamic tags missing width & height attribute
  • Fix: Hide Add to Cart & Buy Now widgets in catalog mode
  • Fix: Header & Footer template preview can't change back to Home
  • Fix: Can't edit Product Page when Frendly URLs are turned off
  • Fix: Draft & Autosave Miniature CSS changes does not apply on preview
  • Fix: Product Variants widget does not show textures in Miniature
  • Fix: Template widget doesn't list sections from Saved Templates
  • Fix: Display error 404 page template when opening disabled product page
  • Fix: Preview CSS was loaded twice (inline & external)
  • Fix: Checkout footer contains copyrights block from theme
  • Fix: Missing translations added to Shopping Cart widget ("Gift" & "Remove this item")
  • Fix: Sale Countdown widget's expire action fixed for Miniature
  • Fix: Product Meta widget's quantity doesn't work in miniature
  • Fix: Miniature's Add to Cart had prodblem with minimal quantity if Combination Action isn't default
  • Fix: Category Tree widget doesn't work in rare cases
  • Fix: Compatibility with uppercase frendly URL in PrestaBlog
  • Fix: Replace URL tool doesn't work in some cases
  • Fix: Radio button type filters fixed in Filters widget
  • Fix: Minor PHP & JS & CSS bugfixes

v2.10.1 (04-26-2024)

  • New: Introducing Category Page, Manufacturer Page, Listing Page & No Results Template Builder
  • New: Category Grid, Category List, Category Image, Category Name, Brand Name, Listing Name, Listing Image, Filters, Active Filters, Category Description, Additional Description, Brand Description, Short Description, Listing Description, Sorting, Products, Pagination, Listing Info, Listing Block, Listing Template, Product Customization & Templates widgets
  • New: Image Gallery, Breadcrumb & Category Tree widgets revamped
  • New: Listing Info, Listing Image, Clear Filters URL & Toggle dynamic tags added
  • New: PrestaShop 8.1.x support
  • New: On Sale! badge support
  • New: Show Product Image feature added to Product Variants widget
  • New: Backdrop Filter feature added to elements background
  • New: Scrollbar & Mousewheel feature added to Product Imges widget's thumbnails
  • New: Lightbox group feature added to Image Carousel & Image Gallery & Image widgets
  • New: Stretch option added to Vertical Align in Column layout
  • New: Choose Video support added to Video widget
  • New: Custom Category option added to Nav Menu & Category Tree widgets
  • New: Embed URL feature added to Lightbox dynamic tag
  • New: Added displayCEShoppingCartFooter hook to Shopping Cart widget
  • New: Show Category Menu Thumbnails control added to Nav Menu widget
  • New: Discount(s) added to Shopping Cart widget Subtotals
  • New: PrestaBlog support added to Nav Menu widget
  • New: Back Order state added to Product Stock widget
  • New: Product Quantity option added to Add to Cart & Buy Now dynamic tags
  • New: Display Unit Price option added to Product Price widget
  • New: Editor handles expired Backoffice session
  • New: Advanced Parameter - CSS & JS Priority
  • New: Advanced Parameter - Load Animate.css library
  • New: Experiment Parameter - Disable Google Fonts
  • New: X-twitter icon added to Social Icons & Product Share widgets
  • Tweak: Preview Settings added to Header & Footer template types
  • Tweak: Icon Position changed to responsive parameter in Icon Box widget
  • Tweak: Auto import settings added to Miniature templates
  • Tweak: Dynamic tag support added to Title control of Tabs & Product Attachment widget
  • Tweak: Do not render empty tabs in Accordion & Toggle widgets
  • Tweak: Allow opening AVIF image format in lightbox
  • Tweak: Brand selector added to Brand Image dynamic tag
  • Tweak: Product Images widget thumbnails default Slides per View changed to 4 in Left & Right position
  • Tweak: Title Display options added to Product Grid & Product Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Always display size unit at Dimensions controls
  • Tweak: Module widget compatibility extended
  • Tweak: Description option added to Global Settings > Lightbox
  • Tweak: Alert (Selected block missing from your theme!) added to Product Block widget
  • Tweak: Open dropdown Menu to up when is not enough space
  • Tweak: Content Anywhere hooks are extendable with override
  • Tweak: Call to Action widget Hover Animations listed in groups
  • Tweak: Speed optimization added for rendering icons
  • Tweak: Optimization for Background Slideshow feature
  • Tweak: Countdown widget digits changed to use same character width
  • Tweak: Translate & {$smarty} reserved variable support added to Shortcode
  • Tweak: Speed optimization for related products on product page
  • Tweak: Image Alt & Title attributes inserted before Loading attribute
  • Tweak: Mobile controls added for Object Fit/Position in Image widget
  • Tweak: Custom price support added to Product Price widgets
  • Tweak: Dynamic tags added to Caption & URL controls in Image Carousel & Image Gallery widgets
  • Tweak: AJAX Search widget compatibility with Shop Parameters > Search > Minimum word length
  • Tweak: Hide thumbnails on mobile feature added for Product Images widget
  • Tweak: Shortcode tag support added for Number control types,
  • Tweak: Prevent cache on refresh product actions
  • Tweak: Shop context switcher removed from Saved Templates & Custom Fonts & Custom Icons
  • Tweak: Suggested Hooks in Module widget extended with displayProductActions & displayProductAdditionalInfo
  • Tweak: Start & Limit controls added to Product Images dynamic tag
  • Tweak: Auto generate miniature tpl file when missing
  • Tweak: Window resize event changed to ResizeObserver in sticky feature
  • Tweak: Skip rendering invisible elements optimized
  • Tweak: Prevent Add to Cart & Buy Now button in edit mode
  • Tweak: Compatibility with ps_emailalerts & ec_minorder module
  • Tweak: Compatibility improvements with Wishlist module v2.1.0+
  • Tweak: Compatibility optimization with Link List module
  • Fix: Forbidden page caused PHP error
  • Fix: Loading jump fix for Image Carousel & Product Images widgets
  • Fix: Text Path widget link opens in Lightbox
  • Fix: Stretched Vertical Align fixed in Column element
  • Fix: Auto hide Header conflicts with Search widget in Topbar mode
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for multiple Shopping Cart widgets on same page
  • Fix: Miniature compatibility with Add to Cart & Buy Now dynamic tags
  • Fix: Tabbed Section tabs in Center Align without Overflow Scrolling fixed for mobile
  • Fix: Missing Width & Height attributes added to Product Images widget
  • Fix: Do not list Cart Rule & Price Rule options which are already expired in dynamic tags
  • Fix: List & Ordered List styles fixed
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for Regenerate CSS when Remove Hidden Elements feature is active
  • Fix: Self-hosted Video Aspect Ratio fixed
  • Fix: Availability Date & Category options fixed in Product Meta widget
  • Fix: Product Images issue in Carousel mode on mobile devices
  • Fix: User Menu icons can not be changed in Sign In widget
  • Fix: Backslash generates more Backslash after Save in Page Settings > Custom CSS
  • Fix: SVG Icon does not work with special characters in path
  • Fix: Lightbox UI controls fixed in Product Images widget
  • Fix: Compatibility fixes for importing templates with Product/Category/Brand IDs
  • Fix: Add Clear Content Wrapper option only if its selector is not empty in Advanced Settings
  • Fix: Product Images widget with empty height causing layout issue when Thumnbnails Position is Left/Right
  • Fix: Do not display Add to Cart button when product is not available for order
  • Fix: Rocket Loader compatibility fix
  • Fix: Missing modal added to Product Block widget > Product Images
  • Fix: Entrance Animation fix for None state
  • Fix: Icon Color conflict with Theme Style > Link Color
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for ETS/PrestaHero Blog & PrestaBlog
  • Fix: Space Between does not work in Nav Menu widget
  • Fix: Prevent AJAX Search on Search page
  • Fix: Edit Product Footer in Multishop context
  • Fix: Display AJAX error messages instead of Undefined
  • Fix: Compatibility fix with Alysum theme
  • Fix: Can not edit CMS category description
  • Fix: Duplicated lightbox images fixed in Product Images widget
  • Fix: Language Selector widget does not work on home when SEO is turned off
  • Fix: Avability date fix in Product Meta widget
  • Fix: FontAwesome 4 backward compatibility fix
  • Fix: Load FontAwesome library has no effect when turned off
  • Fix: Carousel skin fixed in Product Images widget
  • Fix: Arrows' outside position fixed in Carousel widgets
  • Fix: Product Meta widget & tag - ISBN/EAN13/UPC/MPN is not changing with product variants
  • Fix: Default product miniature image size does not work
  • Fix: Style fix for Divider widget
  • Fix: Cover Image does not work in Product Image dynamic tag
  • Fix: Product Variants widget's select field does not follow the standards
  • Fix: Can not click Update button after importing other language content
  • Fix: Preview Global CSS does not work
  • Fix: Loading icon is not spinning in Contact Form & Email Subscription widgets
  • Fix: Duplicated calls from fonts.googleapis.com
  • Fix: Product Images widget's Space Between & Slideshow Width & Slideshow Height controls does not refresh real time
  • Fix: Multishop compatibility fixes
  • Fix: Editing Theme Style from different shop domain context does not work
  • Fix: Can not edit Maintenance page in certain cases
  • Fix: Canvas mode does not work in product page
  • Fix: Override Theme Container compatibility fix
  • Fix: Tabbed section inside a tabbed section causing style conflicts
  • Fix: CSS fix for quick-view's close button
  • Fix: Blury transformed widgets fixed
  • Fix: Social icons color transitions fixed
  • Fix: Canonical meta removed from Product Pages since PrestaShop 1.7.8
  • Fix: Can not edit product page on PrestaShop 1.7.4 - 1.7.6
  • Fix: Missing quick edit buttons on CMS pages for PrestaShop 1.7.6
  • Fix: Compatibility fix added to Currency Selector widget on PrestaShop 1.7.4 - 1.7.5
  • Fix: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes
  • Fix: Minor CSS & JS & PHP bugfixes

v2.9.14 (03-28-2023)

  • New: Introducing Theme Style - set your default styling using Creative Elements
  • New: PrestaShop 8 Compatibility with PHP 8.0 & 8.1 Support
  • New: Introducing Breadcrumb widget
  • New: Added background slideshow to Section, Column and Inner Section elements
  • New: Introducing Dark Mode UI theme
  • New: Introducing Icon Manager - the new way to add icons into your page
  • New: Replaced Font Awesome 4 with Font Awesome 6
  • New: Introducing Custom Icon sets - including Fontello, IcoMoon and Fontastic support
  • New: Introducing SVG file library
  • New: Introducing new Color Picker control with Saved Colors built-in
  • New: Display control - It gives for Headings an extra sizing and styling possibility
  • New: User Preferences section in Editor Panel menu
  • New: Internal URL dynamic tag extended with Static & CMS Pages
  • New: Added Manufacturer Images, Category Images, Product Images dynamic tags
  • New: Added Global Custom CSS for Your Entire Shop in Theme Style
  • New: Added additional divider styles to Divider widget
  • New: Online Only badge support added
  • New: Added Custom Link Attributes to Link Options to allow adding custom attributes to <a> tags
  • New: Added Navigator indicators for Custom Position
  • New: Added Load FontAwesome 4 backward compatibility to Advanced Settings
  • New: Category description compatibility with Advanced Search module
  • Tweak: Added option to allow background video to play on mobile devices if device support it
  • Tweak: Added Space-around, Space-between and Space-evenly to Vertical Align options in Section element
  • Tweak: Use swiper.js instead of slick.js in Image Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Added “Pause On Interaction” option to Image Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Added more style options for Progress Bar widget
  • Tweak: Added option to set the HTML Wrapper Tags of Theme Parts
  • Tweak: Added inline editing capability to Progress Bar widget Title
  • Tweak: Added icon alignment option to icon list
  • Tweak: Added responsive controls to Icon size and Icon rotation in Icon widget
  • Tweak: Added option to hide columns in Navigator
  • Tweak: Miniature displays Preview on Category page
  • Tweak: Skin control renamed to Miniature in Product Box/Grid/Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Allow background image and color being displayed in empty column
  • Tweak: Added vertical alignment option to Image Carousel
  • Tweak: Added Responsive option for the Content Align in Column
  • Tweak: Added “Play on Mobile” option to allow iOS autoplay to Video widget
  • Tweak: Added start & end time for self-hosted background video
  • Tweak: Added Play once option for background video
  • Tweak: Background videos now support Vimeo as a source
  • Tweak: Added playsinline attribute to Vimeo and YouTube sources to allow autoplay on iOS devices in Background Video
  • Tweak: Added option to pick custom colors per icon in Social Icons widget
  • Tweak: Added the option to add Icon and Text to Divider widget
  • Tweak: Added Full Screen option in Lightbox
  • Tweak: Added Title & Description to Lightbox
  • Tweak: Moved “Editing Handles” and “Lightbox in editor” options to the new “Preferences” section
  • Tweak: Added Remove Item icon & Product Image style controls to Shopping Cart widget
  • Tweak: Layout settings & Lightbox styles moved to Theme Style
  • Tweak: Added Tab icon feature for Tabbed Section
  • Tweak: Price (tax excluded) option added to Product Price tag
  • Tweak: Product Image dynamic tag extended with Image Index control
  • Tweak: Added Supplier support to Product Meta widget
  • Tweak: Added customer thread compatibility for Contact Form widget
  • Tweak: Added stretch option to inline widget's Vertical Align
  • Tweak: Added Flex Size & Flex Grow controls for inline widget
  • Tweak: Added Primary & Secondary options for Button Type controls
  • Tweak: Improved Motion Effects animation performance
  • Tweak: Schema Microdata changed to JSON-LD format
  • Tweak: Added Box Shadow control to Header & Footer
  • Tweak: Dropped delete revision option in Revisions Panel
  • Tweak: Removed all Font Awesome 4 dependencies
  • Tweak: Added custom messages for “Preview could not be loaded” state
  • Tweak: Editor JS API renewed to improve capabilities and stability
  • Tweak: Refactored panel controls UI
  • Tweak: Redesigned Media control
  • Tweak: Re-designed responsive mode switcher control
  • Tweak: Re-designed alerts and notices in the Editor Panel
  • Tweak: Moved structure control into section panel in Section element
  • Tweak: Changed the position of all panel tooltips to appear above the controls
  • Tweak: Do not render displayHome content when using Home template
  • Tweak: Added global utility function for adding link attributes in Button widget
  • Tweak: Added Viber icon for Social Icons widget, StumbleUpon icon removed
  • Tweak: Added reduce-motion accessibility support for CSS animation library
  • Fix: Error 500 on Maintenance page
  • Fix: Prevent opening duplicated Quick View in rare cases
  • Fix: Auto import Page settings when importing Quick View
  • Fix: Quick View does not open from tablet & mobile
  • Fix: List content of LazyArray with Shortcode
  • Fix: Multiple Product Variants widgets causing issue on Product page
  • Fix: Wrong Cover Image when product has combinations
  • Fix: Product Image dynamic tag does not work
  • Fix: Missing or Disabled Category page does not redirect to 404 page
  • Fix: Backward compatibility for taxes_enabled in Product Price widget
  • Fix: Unknown modifier issue in Product Block widget
  • Fix: Manufacturer & Supplier can not be displayed in Miniature
  • Fix: Auto hide on scroll conflict with opened Shopping cart
  • Fix: playsinline attribute missing when setting self-hosted video to Play on Mobile in Video widget
  • Fix: Star rating widget alignment is not responsive
  • Fix: Changing label in Product Meta widget for ISBN/EAN13/UPC/NPM does not work
  • Fix: Condition and Conditions not working together
  • Fix: Incorrect Absolute position dragging values in RTL
  • Fix: Disable browser suggestions on panel elements search input
  • Fix: Disabled autocomplete feature from the Color Picker
  • Fix: Counter widget start number greater than 999
  • Fix: Elements not being displayed when it has the value 0
  • Fix: Empty href attribute fixed in Accorion & Tabs & Toggle widgets
  • Fix: Regenerate CSS after saving style related global settings
  • Fix: Compatibility for JPresta cache module
  • Fix: Compatibility for SEO modules (ETS)
  • Fix: PHP, HTML, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v2.5.11 (09-14-2022)

  • New Feature Box Shadow control added to Lightbox
  • Tweak Stable SVG & WEBP image upload in File manager
  • Tweak WEBP support added for Lightbox
  • Fixed Compatibility fix for PrestaShop 1.7.3 - 1.7.6
  • Fixed Lightbox does not display image caption
  • Fixed Minor PHP & JS & CSS bugfixes

v2.5.10 (09-09-2022)

  • New Feature Introducing Product Miniature Builder - build one of the most common element in your shop
  • New Feature Introducing Dynamic Tag feature - a new way to add dynamic content to your design
  • New Feature WEBP Image support added to Media controls
  • New Feature Lightbox extended with Zoom, Counter, Title & Description features
  • New Feature Zoom on Hover effect added to Product Images widget
  • New Feature Hide on Scroll feature added to Sticky position
  • New Feature Opacity support added to Transform controls
  • New Feature Calculate option added for Custom Width control
  • New Feature Custom Order feature added to widgets' Advanced tab
  • New Feature Trigger By feature added to Transform Hover
  • New Feature Sliding & Revealing Entrance Animations added
  • New Feature {include} feature added to Shortcode widget
  • New Feature Google Fonts list extended with 306 new fonts
  • New Feature List Products by Supplier in Product Grid / Carousel
  • New Feature Advanced Setting - Exclude Categories from Module widget
  • Tweak Speed & PHP Optimizations for Product widgets
  • Tweak Replay Entrance Animation when changing Animation Duration
  • Tweak Full height & Custom Height vh/vw units support added to Inner Section
  • Tweak Site Title, Site Logo widgets refactored & renamed to Shop Title, Shop Logo
  • Tweak Responsive feature added to Widgets Space control
  • Tweak Full Width Selector changed to Content Wrapper Selector
  • Tweak Pack Label control added to Product Badges widget
  • Tweak Max Lines control added to Product Description widget
  • Tweak Show No Image control added to Product Image widget
  • Tweak Width & Height attributes added to Call to Action widget
  • Tweak Select any Miniature template from Product Box, Product Grid, Product Carousel
  • Tweak Sticked height feature added to Shop Logo widget
  • Tweak Background motion effects transition duration added
  • Tweak Display Product Variations value in Stacked layout
  • Tweak Justify alignment added to Product Quantity widget
  • Tweak Object support added to Shortcode widget
  • Tweak WEBP & SVG upload support added to Filemanager
  • Tweak Custom Poisitioning merged to Widget Layout settings
  • Tweak Theme Builder moved to first position in Backoffice menu
  • Fixed Stability fixes for Tabbed section
  • Fixed Compatibility fix for media servers
  • Fixed Incorrect Product References fixed when defined in product combinations
  • Fixed Missing Ajax Search results when a product doesn't have summary
  • Fixed Should not display unpublished Related Products
  • Fixed Reveal Animations fixed for Quick View
  • Fixed Compatibility fixes for Open Graph meta data
  • Fixed Transform + Mouse Track effect conflicts fixed
  • Fixed Employee profil picture fixed in Revisions list
  • Fixed Shopping Cart widget's Checkout text color fixed
  • Fixed Spacing Button Icon when button is justified
  • Fixed Full width layout doesn't work from PrestaShop 1.7.8+
  • Fixed PS 1.7.4 compatibility fixes for Product Price & Product Variations widgets
  • Fixed Migrating CMS Categories from Creative Elements v0.9-1.4
  • Fixed Layout fix for forbidden pages
  • Fixed PHP, HTML, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v2.5.9 (03-29-2022)

  • New FeatureIntroducing Motion Effects including Scrolling & Mouse effects
  • New FeatureMeet Text Path widget – Add more text design options to your headings
  • New FeatureIntroducing CSS Transform – rotate, scale, skew, offset and flip any element
  • New FeatureEntrance Animations with customizable properties
  • New FeatureAdded Text Stroke control – highlight titles with colorful outlines to in Heading, Animated Headline, Accordion, Call to Action, Countdown, Flip Box, Icon Box, Image Box, Tabs, Text Path, Testimonial, Testimonial Carousel, Toggle widgets
  • New FeatureLayouts added to Product Quantity widget
  • New FeatureHeading, Product title HTML tag selector, Products by Brand listing added for Product Grid & Product Carousel widgets
  • New FeatureInline Layout & Vertical Align added for Product Variants widget
  • Tweak Added Text shadow controls to Basic & General widgets
  • Tweak Do not display empty tab(s) of Tabbed Section
  • Tweak 9:16 aspect ratio support added to Video widget
  • Tweak Color/Texture button's hover & active state extended in Product Variations widget
  • Tweak Responsive styling added for carousel arrows & dots size
  • Tweak Order Reference field added to Contact Form widget
  • Tweak Input mode attribute added for product quantity and email fields (Virtual keyboard optimization)
  • Tweak Smarty variable support added for shortcodes
  • Tweak Skip actual product(s) from Product Grid/Carousel on Cart & Product pages
  • Tweak Random order listing added for related products
  • Tweak Product Attachments widget controls rearranged & extended
  • Tweak Skip problematic widget(s) on product page in case of error
  • Tweak Improvement for Remove Hidden Elements (Experiments)
  • Tweak PHP, JS, CSS code optimizations & improvements
  • Fixed Add to cart from quick view on product page inserts wrong product
  • Fixed Prices Drop listing throws exception in editor on reload
  • Fixed Compatibility fixes for Product Block widget
  • Fixed CSS override conflicts in Product Description widget
  • Fixed Add to cart disabled state does not update after changing product attribute
  • Fixed Show shortcode blocks/templates in edit mode
  • Fixed Regenerate global CSS after Container Width changed
  • Fixed Color picker palettes rearranged, do not allow opening multiple color pickers at the same time
  • Fixed Force preview mode when content area is missing
  • Fixed Quick View margin is not correct when values are unlinked
  • Fixed Maintenance mode issues

v2.5.8 (01-21-2022)

  • New FeatureIntroducing Product Page template builder & Product Quick View builder
  • New Feature20 widgets arrived - Product Name, Product Badges, Product Images, Product Image, Product Price, Product Rating, Sale Countdown, Brand Image, Product Meta, Short Description, Product Variations, Product Stock, Product Quantity, Add to Cart, Add to Wishlist, Product Features, Product Description, Product Attachments, Product Share, Product Block
  • New FeatureTabbed Section feature - Drag & drop widgets inside Tabs directly without shortcodes
  • New FeatureExperiment features added to Module Settings - Remove Hidden Elements & Visibility Section (Schedule, Customer Group)
  • New FeatureRemove Hidden Elements (Experiment) - When you hide elements on "Advanced tab / Responsive section" their markup will be removed from DOM
  • New FeatureSchedule feature added for sections & columns & widgets (Experiment)
  • New FeatureFilter by Customer Group feature added for all elements (Experiment)
  • New FeatureProduct blocks & Quick View blocks added to template library
  • New FeatureRelated Products listing added to Product Carousel & Product Grid widgets
  • New FeatureRecently Viewed Products listing added to Product Carousel & Product Grid widgets
  • New FeatureProducts from the same category feature added to Product Carousel & Product Grid widgets
  • New FeatureOut-of-Stock badge added to Product Carousel & Product Grid & Product box widgets
  • New FeatureImage widget extended with useful controls - Height & Object Fit
  • TweakPrestaShop 1.7.8.x compatibility
  • TweakImproved editor loading time with less AJAX requests
  • TweakShortcode widget handles Smarty variables
  • TweakOptimizations for Module widget (cache, speed, resources)
  • TweakSpacer widget size units extended (vh, em)
  • TweakAnimated Headline widget can be used on Maintenance page
  • TweakPage load optimizations
  • FixedCan't change button icon position in Call To Action & Flip Box widgets
  • FixedAjax Search widget redirects to home on enter when SEO URLs are turned off
  • FixedEmail Subscription widget's placeholder doesn't update in live editor
  • FixedLanguage Selector redirects to error 404 on home page when URL rewrite isn't empty
  • FixedAjax Search widget doesn't work when search result doesn't have cover image
  • FixedSticky feature issue with Stay in Column option
  • FixedTinyMCE resize issue in FireFox
  • FixedGlobal fonts are not updated, only after clear CSS
  • FixedQuick edit feature doesn't work at Saved Templates
  • FixedBusiness Blog Pro compatibility issues
  • FixedPHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v2.5.7 (09-10-2021)

  • New FeatureAdded Animated Headline widget
  • New FeatureAdded Custom Fonts manager for self hosted fonts
  • New FeatureAdded Open Graph Image support for Home, Contact, 404 pages
  • New FeatureAdded support for ThemeVolty Blog module
  • New FeatureOrder by name or price in Product Grid & Carousel widgets
  • TweakAdded SEO optimizations for fonts and images
  • TweakBetter compatibility with 3rd party themes
  • TweakView Cart & Checkout buttons are editable in Shopping Cart widget
  • TweakGoogle fonts library extended
  • TweakAdded customer group check for Module widget
  • TweakAdded compatibility with caching modules for Module widget
  • TweakPrestaShop 1.7.8 compatibility with replaced admin controller tabs
  • FixedAJAX Search widget doesn't work in some cases
  • FixedMaintenance mode compatibility issues
  • FixedBackground video fallback image doesn't appear
  • FixedContinue shopping doesn't work in Shopping Cart widget
  • FixedSite Logo widget redirects to default language in multilingual site
  • FixedBusiness Blog Pro posts can't be edited
  • FixedDisable Color & Font scheme doesn't work
  • FixedImage Hotspots widget layout issue in editor when using links
  • FixedProduct selector control doesn't work or doesn't find packs/virtual products
  • FixedPHP 5.x compatibility issues
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v2.5.6 (06-01-2021)

  • New FeatureIntroducing Theme Builder - Header, Footer, Home page, Contact page, 404 page support
  • New FeatureSite Widgets arrived - Site Logo, Site Title, Nav Menu, Shopping Cart, AJAX Search, Sign in, Language Selector, Currency Selector
  • New FeatureGeneral Widgets - Image Gallery, Star Rating
  • New FeatureBig User Interface makeover to the editor
  • New FeatureHistory actions in the editor
  • New FeatureIntroducing Navigator Panel
  • New FeatureAdded native Lightbox for images and galleries with color controls for UI elements
  • New FeatureBrand new Template Library with pre-design Blocks & filter, sorting, search, my favorites features & import, sync tools
  • New FeatureIntroducing Context Menu - Copy/Paste elements, Copy/Paste element style, Copy/Paste between pages, Reset element style
  • New FeatureAdded Autosave capability for editor
  • New FeatureAdded save as draft option
  • New FeatureInline Editing added to the most popular text, textarea & TinyMCE controls
  • New FeatureAdded new page layout CE Full Width
  • New FeatureAdded Autocomplete URL functionality for Internal Linking
  • New FeatureAdded nofollow option for all link controls
  • New FeatureVideo widget refactored - Added Dailymotion provider & start/end controls & privacy control
  • New FeatureAdded Position Absolute & Position Fixed for widgets
  • New FeatureAdded inline & custom width options to place widgets side by side without columns
  • New FeatureAdded responsive mode for Column Width control, including Tablet
  • New FeatureAdded a bunch of responsive controls for all elements
  • New FeatureAdded responsive capabilities for Background & Border controls & Entrance Animation
  • New FeatureAdded Element Hover for Background, BG Overlay, Border & Box Shadow
  • New FeatureAdded custom option for background-size & background-position
  • New FeatureAdded Columns for Text Editor & Icon List widgets
  • New FeatureAdded reverse columns for tablet screen resolution
  • New FeatureAdded space-between, space-around & space-evenly for Vertical Alignment in Column
  • New FeatureAdded center mode for Image Carousel, Testimonial Carousel, Product Carousel, Trustedshops Reviews
  • New FeatureAdded Horizontal Alignment in Column for inline widget
  • New FeatureAdded more icons to Social Icons widget
  • New FeatureAdded Z-Index option for all elements and removed original default z-index
  • New FeatureAdded auto complete for code editor (Custom CSS & HTML widget)
  • New FeatureAdded Quick Edit option on backoffice listing pages
  • New FeatureAdded bulk import / export for template library
  • New FeatureImport template get the page settings also if available
  • New FeatureAdded Replace URL tool for easier migration
  • New FeaturePossibility to change mobile & tablet breakpoints
  • New FeatureAdded option to hide/show Editing Handles
  • New FeatureAdded support for Business Blog Pro module
  • TweakKeyboard Shortcuts refactored
  • TweakRemember last editing tab per element in the editor panel for better workflow
  • TweakAdded text shadow & background color controls for caption in Image widget
  • TweakWidget categories restructured
  • TweakChanged the name of Columns widget to Inner Section to reduce confusion
  • TweakRemember Editor panel width in localStorage
  • TweakAdded overflow option for section
  • TweakAdded official color option on hover state in Social Icons Widget
  • TweakRemoved default transparency on hover button
  • TweakAdded CSS Filters to Image & Image Box & Call to Action widgets
  • TweakAdded CSS ID for Button widget
  • TweakMoved delete all content to the page level right click
  • TweakAdded inline view & divider control for Icon List widget
  • TweakAdded Caption Spacing control to the Image widget
  • TweakAdded HTML Tag for Section & Column
  • TweakAdded Inset option for Box shadow control
  • TweakAdded new controls for Icons, Spacing & Padding to Accordion & Toggle widgets
  • TweakStyle settings are now also available in the editor (under > menu > global settings)
  • TweakGoogle Fonts list updated
  • FixedChanged carousel breakpoints for better responsiveness
  • FixedImage stretch condition in Image Carousel widget
  • FixedEntrance animations glitches
  • FixedYouTube link detection regex for some situations
  • FixedSlick.js bug stops editor during loading
  • FixedRemove Shape Divider in the editor if set to None
  • PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v1.4.10 (01-21-2021)

  • New FeatureCześć! Creative Elements module is now translated into Polish
  • New FeatureRevision History
  • New FeatureGradient Background
  • New FeatureCanvas - Native Blank Page Template, no header, no footer, just Creative Elements
  • New FeaturePage Settings - Edit / Hide Page Title, Force Full Width, Change Status
  • New FeatureBody Style - Padding and Background Color, Image or Gradient, Custom CSS
  • New FeatureMaintenance Mode for Under Construction & Coming Soon page
  • New FeatureKeyboard Shortcuts
  • New FeatureShape Divider for sections
  • New FeatureLightbox for video widget
  • New FeatureDrop Cap & Columns options for Text Editor widget
  • New FeatureBackground Overlay Settings for Column
  • New FeatureCustom Element ID control for all elements
  • New FeatureShortcode for Saved Templates
  • New FeatureLimit Revisions, Widgets Space, Regenerate CSS
  • TweakKeep highlight on selected Column or Widget
  • TweakModule now generates an external CSS file instead of inline CSS for global fonts, colors and settings
  • TweakAdded hover style and animation for Social Icons widget
  • TweakFile Manager refactored and optimized
  • TweakImproved Icon List widget by adding: line-up, divider and space between options
  • TweakAdded box shadow control for Button widget
  • TweakLazy load support for Call to Action widget
  • TweakAdded image caption support to Image Carousel widget
  • TweakAdded Vertical layout option for Tabs widget
  • TweakShortcode support added for Text Editor, Accordion, Tabs, Toggle widgets
  • TweakProduct miniature image hover animations added
  • TweakAdded Content Position option for each column
  • TweakSmooth scrolling is compatible with any element's CSS ID
  • TweakChange box-shadow type control from select to switcher
  • TweakAdded link option for Testimonial & Testimonial Carousel widget
  • TweakModule widget support extended with hook option
  • TweakAdded selector in Button widget to override custom style in some themes
  • TweakAdded warning to live preview when editing in multishop context
  • FixedTabs on mobile now work like an Accordion widget to improve responsive design
  • FixedPrevent click event on parent elements when clicking inner element handle buttons
  • FixedMultiple shop context changing doesn't cause infinity redirection
  • FixedCategory groups were losing selections after saving description
  • FixedBuilt product description was missing after duplication
  • FixedPrestaBlog, St Blog, Xip Blog compatibility for all PrestaShop versions
  • FixedPrestaShop 1.7.7.x compatibility
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements

v1.0.14 (11-28-2020)

  • New FeatureShop context selector added for language chooser
  • New FeatureTake Over - Get notified when other employee is editing the same content
  • TweakLoad YouTube API only if needed
  • TweakTemplate import structures images to subfolders
  • TweakShow warning on live preview when editing in multishop context
  • TweakGlobal Colors and Fonts are updating by shop context
  • TweakMore multishop optimizations and improvements
  • FixedListed all product footer contents on PS 1.7.0 - 1.7.4
  • FixedCouldn't edit homepage when SEO URL is turned off
  • FixedBackground image didn't work in FlipBox & Hotshop widgets
  • FixedCreative Slider module wasn't recognized in some cases
  • FixedEmoji symbols issue
  • FixedDuplicated animations at page load
  • FixedTemplate import issue on PrestaShop 1.6.0
  • FixedSt Blog compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7
  • FixedPS 1.6 compatibility fixes for Product Box/Grid/Carousel and Email Subscription widgets
  • FixedCompatibility fixes with PrestaBlog, Xip Blog, Advance Search 4, Rocket Loader
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes and optimizations

v1.0.12 (08-27-2020)

  • New WidgetCountdown
  • New FeatureCustom CSS
  • New FeatureEdit Not Found page
  • New FeatureEdit Saved Templates
  • New FeatureGlobal Settings
  • New FeatureOpen editor from Front-office
  • New FeatureNative lazy load for images & iframes
  • New FeatureWidgets are now extendable
  • New FeatureAdded code editor for HTML widget
  • New FeatureGDPR Pro compatibility added
  • TweakBack-office menu and controllers redesigned
  • TweakLanguage chooser is multistore compatible
  • TweakEdit unknown hooks in preview mode
  • TweakGenerate searchable content at save
  • TweakOptimized database structure
  • TweakImprove memory used in the editor
  • TweakAdded mobile editing options for Social Icons widget
  • TweakAdded support for floating numbers in Counter widget
  • TweakModule widget refactored
  • TweakUpdate Waypoints library to v4.0.1
  • TweakUpdated jQuery Numerator Plugin v0.2.1
  • FixedEmoji symbols issue
  • FixedDuplicated animations at page load
  • FixedTemplate import issue on PrestaShop 1.6.0
  • FixedSt Blog compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7

v0.11.9 (06-26-2020)

  • New FeatureEdit PrestaBlog content with Creative Elements
  • New FeatureEdit Advance Blog content with Creative Elements
  • New FeatureEdit Xip Blog content with Creative Elements
  • New FeatureEdit St Blog content with Creative Elements
  • TweakPrestaShop 1.7.7 compatibility
  • TweakGoogle fonts extended with 97 new font-family
  • TweakDatabase queries optimized
  • TweakPreview added for each slide in Image Slider widget
  • TweakBackward compatibility added for fixed background
  • FixedError when deleting manufacturer or supplier
  • FixedMinor bugs in Contact Form widget
  • FixedStretched sections are swifted in RTL mode
  • FixedAdd to cart doesn't work when minimal quantity > 1
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes and optimizations

v0.11.8 (04-20-2020)

  • New WidgetsContact Form, Email Subscription
  • New FeatureEdit CMS category description with Creative Elements
  • TweakOpen image manager at last opened folder
  • TweakAuto-register module hooks after changing theme
  • TweakArray support added for the arguments of Shortcode widget
  • FixedPrestaShop 1.6.x compatibility fixes
  • FixedBrands & Suppliers listing page problem
  • FixedDisplay deleted product issue
  • FixedCan't edit displayFooterProduct when product has combinations
  • FixedTesitmonial widget doesn't work without name
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes and optimizations

v0.11.7 (02-14-2020)

  • New WidgetsTestimonial Carousel, Facebook Button, Shortcode
  • New FeatureImage size option added for product related widgets
  • New FeatureAuto-scroll to content area in live editor
  • New FeatureLive preview for LeftColumn & RightColumn positions
  • New FeatureEmployee permission rights by content type
  • TweakText Editor & Creative Slider widgets refactored
  • TweakBreadcrumbs added for template preview
  • TweakPrevent browser cache in live editor
  • FixedPrestaShop 1.6 compatibility fixes
  • FixedCompatibility fixes for embedding protections
  • FixedBugfix for changing columns width
  • FixedMinor fixes for Flip Box & Call to Action widgets
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes and optimizations

v0.11.6 (12-12-2019)

  • New FeaturePrestaShop 1.6.x compatibility arrived
  • New WidgetProduct Box with Custom skin
  • New FeatureEdit Brand & Supplier description with Creative Elements
  • New FeatureCustom skin added to Product Carousel & Product Grid
  • New FeatureCustom Products listing added to Product Carousel & Product Grid
  • New FeatureLanguage switcher added to multilingual sites with easy import
  • New FeatureBack to PrestaShop Editor possibility added
  • TweakLoading time optimizations for live editor
  • FixedMultistore compatibility fixes for PS 1.7.6
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes and optimizations

v0.11.5 (10-09-2019)

  • New FeatureBonjour, Hola, Ciao, Hallo! Creative Elements is now translated into French, Spanish, Italian and German
  • New WidgetsFacebook Page, Flip Box, Image Hotspot
  • New FeatureEdit Category & Product description with Creative Elements
  • New FeatureEdit ETS Blog content with Creative Elements
  • TweakFeatured Products widget transformed to Product Grid widget
  • TweakProduct Carousel widget refactored
  • TweakButton Icon support added for Call to Action widget
  • TweakImage alt & title attribute support added
  • Tweakupgrade-insecure-requests when SSL is available
  • FixedTinyMCE video embed didn't work correctly on live editor
  • FixedImages were missing after predesigned template import
  • FixedDon't place module to first hook position after every save
  • FixedIn certain cases template couldn't be saved or deleted
  • FixedPrestashop v1.7.6 compatibility fixes
  • FixedMultistore compatibility fixes
  • FixedImport from WP compatibility fixes
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & optimizations

v0.11.4 (04-21-2019)

  • New WidgetCall to Action
  • New WidgetAJAX Search
  • New FeatureImport template feature added
  • TweakProduct Carousel widget refactored
  • TweakFormat selector added to Text Editor widget
  • TweakFilter Reviews option added to TrustedShops Reviews widget
  • FixedMultistore compatibility fixes added
  • FixedCompatibility fixes with other modules
  • FixedCompatibility fix for multiple positions on same page
  • FixedCan't edit product page (Please save the form before editing with Creative Elements)
  • FixedCSS bugfixes for Text Editor widget added
  • FixedAPI fix for disabled allow_url_fopen
  • FixedSymphony session has already started bug fixed
  • FixedRedirect bug during template saving fixed
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & optimizations

v0.11.3 (03-22-2019)

  • New WidgetTrustedShops Reviews
  • TweakLive Editor is more similar like Frontoffice
  • TweakModule widget is more flexible
  • TweakContent Anywhere extended with ShoppingCart
  • FixedCompatibility fix for MySQL v5.5 and lower
  • FixedSave template sometimes doesn't work
  • Minor PHP, JS, CSS bugfixes & optimizations

v0.11.2 (02-28-2019)

  • First Release
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