TrustedShops Reviews

Show your visitors that they can trust in your shop. Trusted Shops is the creator of Europe’s most recognised seal of approval. With this widget you can display your reviews in a carousel.

TrustedShops Reviews Widget
TrustedShops Reviews Widget

Content Tab

Trustedshop Reviews
  • TrustedShops Id: You received your personal TS ID when you registered with Trusted Shops. You should add it to this field.
  • Filter Reviews: Filter reviews by stars.
Carousel Settings
  • Slides to Show: Select the number of slides to show at one time, from 1 to 10, available for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Slides to Scroll: Set how many slides are scrolled per swipe.
  • Image Sretch: Select Yes or No.
  • Navigation: Choose to display navigation Arrows, Dots, Both or None.
Carousel Settings > Additional Options
  • Pause on Hover: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user interacts with the carousel. Yes or No.
  • Automatically: Choose Yes or No to rotate slides automatically.
  • Autoplay Speed: Set the time it takes for the next slide to start rotating. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.
  • Infinite Loop: Show carousel in a continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or No.
  • Animation Speed: Set the speed of slide animation, in milliseconds.
  • Direction: Choose to have the slides rotate from left or right.

Styles Tab

  • Min. Height: Set the minimum height of the reviews.
  • Vertical Alignment: Set the alignment of the content.
  • Space Between: Set the space between review items.
  • Background Color: Choose the background color of the reviews.
  • Padding: Change the padding settings of the reviews.
  • Border Type: Choose the border’s type from none, solid, double, dotted and dashed.
  • Border Width: Control the thickness of the border around the reviews.
  • Border Color: Choose the border’s color.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control corner roundness.
  • Background Color: Choose the background color of the reviews.
  • Spacing: Adjust the amount of space between the content and header.
  • Separator: Show or hide separator.
  • Separator color: Set the color of the separator.
  • Separator size: Set the size of the separator.
  • Date Color: Choose the color of the date.
  • DateTypography: Change the typography of the date.
  • Comment Color: Choose the color of the comment.
  • Comment Typography: Change the typography of the comment.
  • Icon: Choose between Font Awesome or Unicode stars.
  • Unmarked: Set the unmarked starts tyle to solid or outline.
  • Size: Scale the rating size up or down.
  • Spacing: Adjust the amount of space between the content and rating.
  • Color: Choose the rating’s color.
  • Unmarked Color: Choose the rating’s unmarked color.
  • Arrows Position: Set the position of the arrows inside or outside the slider.
  • Arrows Size: Set the exact size of the arrows.
  • Arrows Color: Set the color of the arrows.
  • Arrows Background: Set the background color of the arrows.
  • Dots Position Set the position of the dots inside or outside the slider.
  • Dots Size: Set the exact size of the dots.
  • Dots Color: Set the color of the dots.
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