Image Box

The Image Box widget lets you add image boxes that combines images, headlines and text. This is used, mostly and alternatively to the Icon Box Widget, for features sections. You have full control over the design of the image, the headline and the description.

Image Box Widget
Image Box Widget

Content Tab

  • Choose Image: You can choose an image from the media manager, or upload a new image.
  • Title & Description: Add the title and description that will appear in the image box.
  • Link to: Add the URL the box will link to.
  • Image Position: Set the position of the image to left, top or right, relative to the title and description.
  • The HTML Tag: Set the tag of the image box as H1..H6, div, span or paragraph.

Styles Tab

  • Image spacing: The space between the image and the title.
  • Image size: Scale the image size up and down..
  • Opacity: Control the opacity of the image.
  • Animation: Add hover animation to the image.
  • Alignment: Align the heading to the left, right, center, or justified.
  • Vertical Alignment: Align the content to the top, middle or bottom of the box.
  • Title Spacing: Space between the title and description.
  • Title Color: Set the color of the title.
  • Title Typography: Change the font size, family, weight, transform, style, line height and letter spacing.
  • Description Color: Set the color of the description.
  • Description Typography: Same options as the title typography.
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