With this widget, you can define a set of images with titles and descriptions that will be displayed one after the other, in a sliding motion.
Image Slider Widget
Content Tab
Image Slider- Speed: Set the time it takes for the next slide to start sliding. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.
- Pause on Hover: Select whether or not to pause autoplay when a user interacts with the carousel. Yes or No.
- Loop forever - - Show slider in a continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or No.
- Choose Image: You can choose an image from the media manager, or upload a new image.
- Image Alt: Specifies an alternate text for the image.
- Title & Description: Add the title and description that will appear in the image box.
- Link: Add the URL the box will link to.
- Enabled: Set the state of the current slide, Yes or No.