
The Counter Widget enables you to add an animated numbered counter to your page. When the page is loaded, an animation of running numbers will be seen on this widget, going up from the start point to the end point.

Counter Widget
Counter Widget

Content Tab

  • Starting Number: Set the starting number of the counter.
  • Ending Number: Set the ending number of the counter.
  • Number Prefix: Enter text to appear before the number, if any, such as a dollar sign.
  • Number Suffix: Enter text to appear after the number, if any, such as a plus sign.
  • Animation DurationThe time in milliseconds for the running animation to complete.
  • TitleType the title that will appear below the number.

Styles Tab

  • Text Color: Choose the color of the number text.
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the number text.
  • Text Color: Choose the color of the title text.
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the title text.
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