The Flip Box Widget helps you create animated boxes that flip to the other side, once the visitor hovers over them.

Flip Box Widget
Flip Box Widget

Content Tab

  • Graphic Element: Choose between None, Image or Icon to display a graphical Element in the front of the flip box.
  • Choose Image: Select or upload an image.
  • Image Size: Set the size of the image, from thumbnail to full, or set a custom size.
  • Icon: Select an icon from the FontAwesome library.
  • View: Choose the default icon view, or select Stacked or Framed.
  • Shape: If Stacked or Framed is chosen, choose Circle or Square.
  • Title & Description: Add the title and description that appears in the front of the Flip Box.
  • Title HTML Tag: Set the title’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, or Span.
  • Graphic Element: Choose between None, Image or Icon to display a graphical Element in the front of the flip box.
  • Choose Image: Select or upload an image.
  • Image Size: Set the size of the image, from thumbnail to full, or set a custom size.
  • Icon: Select an icon from the FontAwesome library.
  • View: Choose the default icon view, or select Stacked or Framed.
  • Shape: If Stacked or Framed is chosen, choose Circle or Square.
  • Title & Description: Add the title and description that appears in the front of the Flip Box.
  • Title HTML Tag: Set the title’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, or Span.
  • Button Text: Choose the text that appears inside the button.
  • Button Link: Choose where the button points to. The link needs to include the entire URL (including http / https).
  • Height: Control the height of the flip box.
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius of the flip box, and make its corners round.
  • Flip Effect: Choose between flip effects, including flip, slide, push, zoom in, zoom out or fade.
  • Flip Direction: If you choose the flip or slide effects, you can have the flip box flip right, left, up or down.
  • 3D Depth: Slide to On to give the flip box a 3D animation effect.

Style Tab

Front / Back
  • Background Type: Choose Color, Image or Gradient as the background of the front of the flip box.
  • Position: Select the position of the image, such as Top Center, Top Right, Center Center, etc.
  • Attachment: Select from Default, Scroll, or Fixed.
  • Repeat: Choose from Default, No-repeat, Repeat, Repeat-x, or Repeat-y.
  • Size: Select from Default, Auto, Cover, or Contain.
  • Background Overlay: Choose a color for the overlay.
  • Alignment: Align the content to the left, center or right of the box
  • Vertical Position: Align the content to the top, center or bottom of the box
  • Padding: Set the padding for the content
  • Border Type: Choose a border for the image: None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove.
  • Border Color: Choose the color for the button’s border
  • Border Width: Set the border width
  • Box Shadow: Set the box shadow settings for the front
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the title
  • Spacing: Set the amount of space between the title and description
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the title
  • Spacing: Set the amount of space between the description and the button
  • Spacing: Control the space between the icon and the title.
  • Primary Color: Choose the primary color of the icon.
  • Secondary Color: Choose the secondary color of the icon.
  • Icon Size: Choose the size of the icon.
  • Icon Padding: Set the amount of padding around the icon.
  • Icon Rotate: Rotate the icon to any angle.
  • Border Radius: Set the radius of the icon border to control corner roundness.
  • Spacing: Control the space between the image and the title.
  • Size: Choose the size of the image.
  • Opacity: Choose the opacity of the image.
  • Border Type: Choose a border for the image: None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove.
  • Border Radius: Control the border radius of the image border.
  • Size: Select the button size, from Extra Small to Extra Large
  • Typography: Set the typography options for the button
  • Text Color: Choose the color for the button’s text
  • Background Color: Choose the color for the button’s background
  • Border Color: Choose the color for the button’s border
  • Border Width: Set the border width
  • Border Radius: Set the border radius to control corner roundness
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